Conan Exiles Links

You are a condemned exile, crucified in the burning desert. It is Conan himself who
cuts you down from the cross and frees you. Conan continues on his journey, but you must
now try and survive in the harsh Exiled Lands. An enigmatic serpent bracelet has been placed
around your wrist. It will kill you if you try to escape by crossing the huge Cursewall surrounding the
Exiled Lands. The Cursewall is a powerful magical barrier which cuts you off from the outside world.
Who has placed the bracelet around your arm? Why have you been exiled to this place for your alleged
crimes and not just executed on the spot by those who brought you here? The Exiled Lands are full of
mysteries and as you struggle to survive you can also strive to uncover them. But you are definitely not
alone in the Exiled Lands. Large groups of exiles have banded together and formed dangerous factions.
The Yog worshipping Darfari cannibals will be among the first you meet. Along the eastern river you can
find thieves and pirates who fight under the banner of The Black Hand. The bandits called The Dogs of
the Desert lay claim to the lands further north with their bestial ways, and to the west you can find a
sprawling city made by Stygian mercenaries and relic hunters who hunt for the treasures of old.
Many secrets lie buried beneath the sands and in deep caves. Explore where you dare, but be-
ware of the dangerous creatures which lurk in the dark places of the world. Tunnels and
temples built ages ago might have been abandoned by their former inhabitants, but their
riches and mysteries are still well guarded by new terrors. Every place filled with dark magic
or every battle with demonic or undead creatures will leave you corrupted and weakened.
Make sure to have dancer thralls in your camp which can entertain you and remove the
corruption. Massive ruins left behind by an ancient civilization can be seen towering over the
Exiled Lands. These huge spires, great bridges and impressive walls dominate the landscape.
You see enormous statues of strange, almost insect-like humanoids, but who were these
powerful beings? Even the magical monoliths who form the Cursewall seem to be
made by this mystical race. You will find clues about the ancient civilization
as you explore. Their magic still resides in many places of the Exiled
Lands, and what seems to be instructions for their subjects can still
be found. Explore far and wide to see ghosts of the past and glean
information from their ways. There are many places to explore in the
Exiled Lands, but the most imposing is a huge and mystical city ringed
by powerful walls. Terrible creatures roam the city and the dark
magic which lingers there is filled with corruption. Only the most
well equipped survivors should dare to explore its gloomy streets
and deep chambers. Even if the risk is high, this ruined city
holds many important secrets and will perhaps be your
most important key to truly understanding
the Exiled Lands.

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Created by Chienne (Toot).
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